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Our polyphonic transient effect plug-in atomictransient got an update to version 1.1.0. NEW: AAX is also now supported.
The update includes the following enhancements and changes:
- New: Added AAX support
- New: Auto-Threshold
- New: Undo/Redo functions
- New: Added options for GFX-performance and hardware-acceleration
- New: Added options for default editor-size
- New: Import/Export parameter per setting category
- New: Added Presets
- New: Channel LEDs can be used to switch channels on/off
- New: Continue render spectral displays if bypassed
- Change: Improved transient-detection
- Change: Improved UI look & feel
- Change: Improved UI performance
- Change: Removed input/output limiting
The plug-in is available for Windows (VST2+3/AAX) and Mac (AudioUnits/VST2+3/AAX) for 32 and 64 bit.
Owner of the plug-ins will get the update free of charge.
Free trial versions (without time limit), audio-demos and user manuals are available for immediate download on our website.
Visit our product pages for more information and demo sounds.
The german music magazine KEYS tested AtomicTransient in issue September/17: "Thanks to three channels and a polyphonic function, it (AtomicTransient) opens up areas of application which are not possible with conventional transient formers."
We released updates of the polyphonic transient effect plug-in atomictransient version 1.0.1 and the algorithmic reverb effect atomicreverb version 1.4.1.
The updates include the following changes and fixes:
- Fix: Mac: Resizing in Studio-One 3 fixed
- Fix: Mac: Broken Online-Activation fixed
- Fix: Win/Standalone: Occasional crash when closing app fixed
- New: Win/Standalone: Supports Windows DPI settings > 100%
- New: Click on logo opens web-page
The plug-ins are available for Windows (VST2/VST3) and Mac (AU/VST2/VST3) for 32 and 64 bit.
Owner of the plug-ins will get the updates free of charge.
Free trial versions (without time limit), audio-demos and user manuals are available for immediate download on our website.
Visit our product pages for more information and demo sounds.
SONICSTATE and ADSR made some nice review-videos about about atomictransient. Take a look here on their video-channels on youtube!
Links to the videos: Sonicstate and ADRS
NOIZEFIELD.com interviewed us about atomictransient. Are you interested in further details about the origin and the technology behind it? Then follow this way to the complete interview: http://www.noizefield.com/interviews/talk-zone-38-interview-molecular-bytes.
We just have released version 1.0 of our new and innovative polyphonic multichannel transient effect plug-in atomictransient.
In addition to percussion and drums, atomictransient processes polyphonic instruments and mixes as well and allows to process polyphonic signals "note-based" without touching other sounding notes.
Three independent channels can be defined for processing different effect settings at the same time.
Some more core features of atomictransient:
- input filtered transient detection
- three independent processing channels
- monophonic and polyphonic processing
- ADSR envelope and LFO-Filter effects
- channel mixer with output effect filter
- graphical live displays to visualize signal, processing and signal's ADSR
- input and output level meter
- gain and auto-gain modificators
- moderate CPU usage (up to 100 instances possible)
- MIDI controlling + integrated MIDI learn
- multipurpose factory Presets
- preset-browser, user- and factory-preset grouping, copy & paste presets to clipboard
- A/B program comparison
- resizable user interface and two different Skins
- executable standalone-application (Windows only)
The plug-in is available for Windows (VST2/VST3) and Mac (AU/VST2/VST3) for 32 and 64 bit.
Take a look at the product page
Additional informations about our upcoming product AtomicTransient are now available:
- Detailed product information and screenshots.
- Video Showcase.
- Demo samples.
atomictransient will be available in june 2016.
Take a look at the product page
The german music magazine KEYS tested AtomicReverb in issue May/16: "...at eye-level with the upper-class...", "AtomicReverb is an excellent reverb plug-in and convinces [...] A clear buy-recommendation can be given."
AtomicReverb is rated as top-class reverb plugin and gets 1st place in price-performance ratio and 2nd place in audio-quality among 13 comparison reverb effects.
Link to article (sorry, german language only): amazona.de
MolecularBytes releases the room- and reverb processor plug-in AtomicReverb 1.1 for Mac OS-X and Windows.
The update to version 1.1 adds many new major features including performance- and quality improvements, MIDI learn, oversampling, new Parameters and more. It also adds 80 new factory-presets and a stand-alone application for Windows.
The regular price is 69, - Euro. With the release of version 1.1, Atomic-Reverb is now also available for Mac AudioUnits and VST2/3 32/64bit.
atomicreverb provides highly configurable room- and reverb-processing for early reflections and reverberation (late-reverb). This allows creating sounds from subtle reverbs over full and dense halls to dominant rooms or even tubes. With its unique combination of algorithms, atomicreverb is designed to make very dense and smooth reverb-tails in addition to impressive room-sounds. It also lets you choose from over 170 different predefined early-reflection signatures, which are additionally changeable in size, hardness and resonance. The reverberation (late-reverb) processing - the dense 'floor' of a reverberation - allows you to create infinite density, air movement simulation and even gated tail length (used for percussive sounds). With parameters like "absorption" and "reflection" also effects are possible which cannot be found in other reverb plug-ins.
Changelog (New in version 1.1):
- Added Mac OS-X AU (AudioUnits) and VST versions (32- and 64-bit)
- Added frequency controls for reverb-tail damping
- MIDI-Learn / MIDI controlling function
- Added stand-alone application (Windows only)
- Possibility to lock Input-Gain, Dry-Wet and Tail-Density parameter
- Optionally reposition for dry signal
- Support of 2x oversampling
- Faster GUI and preset handling
- Left/right VU meter
- Knobs: Behaviour like in other Plug-Ins: Slow movement using SHIFT, default value using CTRL/Command key
- Tooltips on controls and fast-parameter info
- Remembers selected preset-group and collapsed/expanded state of sections
- Additional presets (now 230 factory presets available)
- Program name editable directly / send to host
- User-Manual shortcut button
- Deactivation possible for already web-deactivated keys
- Highlight 'hot' preset
- Processing performance optimizations
- Volume correction for Tail-Type-B (++ and +++ Density)
- Some minor bug fixes
Users of atomicreverb 1.0 will get the update for free, existing user-presets will be automatically imported/converted.
A free trial version and user manuals will be available for download
The update adds many new major features including MIDI learn, oversampling, adds 80 new factory-presets and a stand-alone application for Windows. With the release of version 1.1, atomicreverb will be also available for Mac AudioUnits and VST 32/64bit.
atomicreverb - The new class of algorithmic reverb is out now. High quality algorithms, warm and dense processing - simply high-end. Also available as a free TRIAL version in our download-area. Try out and Room-Upyour sound!