We are happy to help you!
On our website and in the product documentation we always try to answer all questions and possible ambiguities simply and specifically. If you have problems with products, please read the product manual carefully and check the HELP. Always use the latest version of the software
Do you still have questions about our products?
Then you will find exact details in the operating instructions of our products. There we have specifically listed possible problems and suggested solutions. Download the operating instructions or click on "Help" in the products to open the operating instructions.
Do you need help on specific topics?
Have a look at our HELP section of the website. Since we answer frequently asked questions in our HELP pages and keep new questions up to date, this is another way to get a quick solution.
Contact eMail support
Nevertheless, it can of course happen that something doesn't work as expected and you can't get anywhere even after good research.
In this case please send us an eMail. Please note that you should describe your problem in sufficient detail so that we can help you as quickly as possible and no questions arise.
Please pay attention to the system requirements of your operating system and the hardware used, as well as the perfect communication of your internet access.
For audio plugins, compatibility with DAW also has an importance, which cannot always be guaranteed due to the large number of DAW manufacturers.
The following information in the "Message" field of the support form is mandatory:
- Full name (first and last name)
- Registered E-Mail Address
- Serial number of the product concerned
- Detailed error description
Registered e-mail address: If you are not a registered user yet, please register in advance. Only registered users receive support.
Detailed error description: We need a detailed and descriptive instruction to reproduce your problem.
- Always describe your problem in detail
- Describe step by step how the error happens
- Name your product, operating system, hardware configuration and plugin host (DAW)
Please kindly understand that we can only offer support if the corresponding information has been provided.
For email support, please write your request using the support formular (only for registered users).